FLIP Fluids是Blender的专业液体流体模拟插件,可创建高质量的液体动画效果。
Blender插件FLIP Fluids v1.7.1
- 自定义的GPU流体引擎,模拟高级液体效果
- 支持喷涌、溅溅、淹没、湍流等多种液体动画
- 可与Blender内置工具无缝集成
- 操作简单,工作流程流畅
- 兼容多版本Blender系统
- 安装并启用FLIP Fluids插件
- 设置液体容器、液面参数
- 调整液体属性,如粘性、湍流等
- 配置好摄像机后启动 bake
- 获得液体动画数据后,调整和预览
- 增加场景其他元素,进行最终渲染
Blender 2.8及更高版本
The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects. Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in other professional tools such as Houdini, Phoenix FD, Bifrost, and Mantaflow. The FLIP Fluids engine has been in constant development for over four years with a large focus on tightly integrating the simulator into Blender as an addon. It just feels like a native Blender tool!
文章标题:Blender插件FLIP Fluids v1.7.1制作逼真液体水花动画 – 百度云下载